Monday, February 17, 2025

Windows Slow Copy Solution

Copying too slow and want to increase file transfer speed in Windows 10 & 11? You can increase copy paste speed  in Windows 10 & 11 easily by these simple methods. 

Method 1: Open Services. Open Optimize Drives. Change the startup type to Automatic. Click on APPLY and OK to confirm the changes. Right click on Optimze Drives service and Start/restart the service. 

Method 2: Open Turn Windows Features ON/OFF. Scroll down to Remote Differential Compression API Support. Uncheck it to Uninstall it! 

Method 3: Open Windows Powershell (Right click and run as administrator). Copy paste the following command and hit the enter key! 

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Hope this helps! Please restart your computer if the problem persists to apply the changes you have made. 


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