If you want to represent your services on a single webpage or multiple web pages but in a seamless way through pricing and simple structure then these services from various freelancers will give you a quick start and helping hand to go ahead with whatever you like or even copy paste then further modify it as per your need and desire.
You can also add a starting line on your services page above all services listed, right after your page headline. For example:
Freelance Services
If you’re not sure what type of service would be best for you, contact me by phone, text, or email for a free consultation. All services are designed for your specific needs.
And then you can take any service example from below and list down after above text on your webpage whether with pricing and title only or with price, title and description whereas necessary according to your type of services (if in case you offer multiple services in multiple domains or single domain)
Examples with Pricing and Title Only
Energy Healing with Bodywork (In person sessions are done fully clothed)
1 hour $150
Distance Healing
1 hour $200
Core Distortion Correction (in person)
1 hour 30 minutes $250
Core Distortion Correction (distance healing)
2 hour minutes $250.00
Core Distortion Correction (in person)
One hour $175.00
Reflexology (in person)
1 Hour $125
Oncology Massage (in person)
1 Hour $150
Mind Body Self Healing Practices. (in person)
1 hour 30 min $175
Examples with Pricing, Title and Description
Note: It also helps people better understand about your services before contacting you and waste your time with unnecessary questions. It will filter out freebies too so they cannot waste your time begging for free services. Always represent yourself as a professional freelancer because you are not running an NGO or selfless service organization. You must serve deserving people in your spare time after your business hours if you need so!
Energy Healing with Bodywork
In person sessions are done fully clothed
1 hour $150
This session is a full energy healing, bodywork and reflexolgy session.
Sessions are deeply relaxing and restorative. By combining deep relaxation with sensitive massage and bodywork in conjunction with Quantum Touch and Medical Qigong energetic healing as well as reflexology, the body can experience homeostasis. Homeostasis is the optimal state of balance where the body is able to heal and revitalize itself. With our stressful lifestyles and environment we can be exposed to a continual state of stress which is detrimental to our health and wellbeing.
Multiple conditions can be addressed
Distance Healing
1 hour $200
Distance Healing is a form of energy healing performed on a person who is physically in another location. Because healing energy can be effectively transmitted over any distance, distance energy healing can be as effective as in-person healing.
​Quantum Touch utilizes the principal of resonance and entrainment. As the practitioner i utilize my body and breath awareness to collect energy in the region of my heart chakra. When I am ready I direct this hgh vibration energy to my client. I can focus on specific areas areas of the body, conditions and on their overall energetic field around the body.
In Quantum Touch theory the person recieving the energy is the healer. The practitioner is a facilitator of a high frequency heart based energy. It is thought that Quantum Touch works through the super intellegence of the body and/or the universe.
Core Distortion Correction (in person)
1 hour 30 minutes $250
Core Distortion correction needs only to be done once. The correction lasts a lifetime
In person sessions are done fully clothed.
Please read Core Distortion page for a full discription
A single Quantum Touch energy healing session done in person or with distance healing can correct this imbalance in the bones of the skull and contribute to a structural re-aligning and straightening of the body and hips and to far-reaching and lifelong-lasting health benefits.
After correcting the Core Distortion ease of movement and comfort in the body is a true posibility , while overall stamina, endurance, strength, flexibility, organ function efficiency and energy are maximized.
We begin with a thorough evaluation of your posture, your gait, your comfort in your body, your ease of movement, and the level of your hips, occipital bone and shoulders. This is to be able to quantify before the session so we can compare to after the session.
As a quantum touch practitioner I utilize my body and breath awareness to collect energy in the region of my heart chakra. When I am ready I direct this high vibration energy to my client, focusing on the sphenoid bone with the intention to restore balance and harmony throughout their body. The correction is done without touching the body.
After Core Distortion correction we do is a full energy healing, bodywork and reflexolgy session.
Sessions are deeply relaxing and restorative. By combining deep relaxation, massage techniques and bodywork in conjunction with advanced energetic healing and reflexology the body can experience homeostasis, the optimal state of balance and harmony. all of which contributes to a profound and lasting sense of healing and revitalization.
Core Distortion Correction (distance healing)
2 hour minutes $250.00
Core Distortion correction needs only to be done once. The correction lasts a lifetime
Utilizing Quantum Touch distance energy healing, a single energetic healing session can correct the Core Distortion imbalance and facilitate a structural re-aligning and straightening of the body with far-reaching and lifelong-lasting health benefits.
(Please read above and my Core Distortion and Distance Healing pages for a discription of correcting the Core Distortion through distance healing.)
Core Distortion Correction (in person)
One hour $175.00
Same as above except without the one hour of bodywork, energy healing and reflexology.
Reflexology (in person)
1 Hour $125
Reflexology is a highly therapeutic form of foot massage. The feet have reflex points that reflect the entire body - all of its organs, systems, glands and structure. Numerous conditions can be addressed effectively with reflexology. Reflexology is very relaxing and enjoyable. Sessions are combined with energy healing.
Oncology Massage (in person)
1 Hour $150
Oncology Massage can be a beneficial adjunctive therapy for people affected with cancer, including those in active treatment. Multiple recent studies link gentle Oncology Massage with significant reductions in pain, fatigue, nausea, depression, and anxiety. Study after study reports that Oncology Massage improves one's quality of life.
Mind Body Self Healing Practices. (in person)
1 hour 30 min $175
Recent studies have shown that utilizing simple mind-body techniques such as meditation. breathing practices and gentle movement can be very helpful in reducing and coping with the effects of stress. These are simple, easy to learn methods that are also potent immune system boosters. They will empower you to contribute to your own healing and sense of wellbeing.